Inside Horror Sean's Mind
This IS my life - scary. Delve into the unknown, the paradox that is SEAN. Warning, Sean's beliefs may not be suitable for children!
Saturday, February 14, 2004

Poppa Wants It in the Back Door!

YIKES talk about wildness! So watchin Crank Yankers and just about busted a nut over this bit - a gay bear that has WILD sayings.

What's your favorite saying? Mine....

Time To Trim The Bush - Vote Dean 2004! ;-)
posted at 8:06 PM

Saturday, January 17, 2004


Yes I'm going to use this as a tool to whore out Howard Dean. For you all that do not know who Howard Dean is, he's running for the Democratic nomination, eventually he hopes to take on George W Bush in November of 2004. Howard Dean is the former 5 term governor of the state of Vermont. While governor Dean balanced the state's budget every year in office; but not only that gave 96% of ALL Vermonters health insurance. As president, Dean wants to create a universal healthcare plan that will insure ALL Americans, no matter what their income level is.


- He's from the Democratic Wing of the Democratic Party.
- He opposed President Bush's unilateral attack of Iraq.
- He opposed No Child Left Behind - which leaves every child behind and no school board standing!
- He supports a woman's right to choose; opposing the partial birth abortion ban.
- He supports civil rights FOR all Americans, no matter what their race, sexual orientation, gender, religion, or culture.
- He was the first governor in AMERICAN HISTORY to sign the Civil Unions bill, an act that gave gay and lesbian couples the rights bestowed upon married couples.
- He wants to FIX the global problem by bridging the gap between America and her allies. Dean supports a global community that will create a safe, peaceful world.
- He believes in re-regulating corporations for they don't hinder the rights of AVERAGE AMERICANS!
- He believes SOME media needs to break up; he's an ardent supporter of independent media.
- He believes that NAFTA and the WTO should be stripped and re-worked, giving America a FAIR TRADE policy.

Those are just a few facts about Howard Dean. If you want to learn more about the man, PLEASE check these sites out:

Dean For America (Official Site)
Official Dean Blog

VOTE Howard Dean and take America BACK!
posted at 9:33 PM

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

'Tis The Season.......To Run And Hide
Well it's Christmas time and also Finals week for me. Ugh, been working pretty hard on getting things complete, ALMOST DONE! I can't wait until I am finished with class.

I might update before XMAS, if I don't, Happy Holidays.
posted at 8:03 PM

Saturday, November 01, 2003

Hey, Hey Goodbye!

Well Halloween has come and gone and now we wait another year for the tricks and haunts of this spooky holiday. Anyway, my Halloween got off to a horrible start. I guess Mother Nature got her holidays mixed up; thinking that it was Christmas, she unloaded a bunch of snow on Salt Lake City. So that was not cool. Not only that but my Jeep died and I was stuck at home. Oh and no one wanted to come and pick me up and take me to a party because of the snow and cold. So basically, it was looking like I was gonna spend the night home, watching horror and shit on TV.

Then it turned around.

Got a call and was told someone COULD pick me up in 10 minutes. So I hurried and painted my face, made myself up like a zombie and headed out. The party was GREAT. Got smashed and didn't hit the sack until around 5 this morning. Really had a blast, got up too early though, which sucked.

And now I'm fighting with my mom, but oh well.........
posted at 7:42 PM

Saturday, October 04, 2003

I can do stuff, so why don't I?

7.30 phone rings, my friend Angelo, I don't answer.

8.00 phone rings, my friend James, I don't answer.

8.10 phone rings, my friend Anthony, I don't answer.

9.00 phone rings, my friend Eric, I answer but make up a excuse as to WHY I don't want to hang out.

9.10 phone rings, my friend Brandon, I don't answer.

Why don't I answer? Why don't I want to hang out? I just sit here at home and wonder why I can't get the energy to fucking get my ass up out of this chair and hang out with at least ONE of my friends. I feel so BLAH, so out of it. It's like something has control over me and has totally sucked the energy out of my body. I don't even CARE about hanging out and I know by at least 11 tonight my phone will RING once again. I hope it's not depression, I hope it's not me becoming a recluse. I've just stopped caring these past few days......I hope it changes.
posted at 8:41 PM

Sunday, September 28, 2003

Missed the ACTION!

Well Saturday I went to the X96 Big Ass Show to see two of my favorite bands; The Used and AFI. I waited about 2 hours in the horribly hot heat, finally got inside and made my way over to the music. AFI was set to play later on that day so I thought to kill time I'd go listen to Eve 6 (GOD THEY FUCKING SUCK). Well we waited, and waited, AND WAITED to finally hear Eve 6 was running late and that they'd be there soon. Because of them running late AFI and The Used would be pushed back so you could see Eve 6 and then jett over to watch AFI. So I sat through sub-par music and finally at the end made my way to AFI. BUT to my surprise AFI HAD JUST FINISHED THEIR SET! I was SO fucking pissed. This was the band I had come to see and I fucking missed 'em!

ARGH! Monday morning I'm calling X96 and bitching.
posted at 12:07 AM

Monday, September 22, 2003

Hit me with your best shot................fire away!.

Right now I probably should be doing homework for my 11 clock class tomorrow. But I'm too damn lazy to get into it. I'll either do it right before I head to bed, or right before I head off to class tomorrow afternoon. Ah the wonders of putting things off.

Anyway today was a wild day; let me just say I had some fun in a bathroom tonight. I'll leave it at that because I'm not really going to get into my sexual life. ;-)
posted at 10:29 PM
